Freelancing Skills Workshop
Freelancing Skills Workshop
Ready to stop “winging it” and
take the guess-work out of freelancing?
Ready to stop “winging it” and take the guess-work out of freelancing?
Getting started and landing those first clients is the hardest part of freelancing. That’s why we created The Freelancers Journey – a simple 7-step roadmap to freelance success. It takes the guesswork out of how to build a freelance career by mapping out a proven path through The 7 Phases of Freelancing. 

Join Kevin Rogers and Rachel Mazza as they walk you through the tactical checklist that will help you blast through roadblocks keeping you “stuck” in your current phases

Enter your details to watch to access this exclusive training workshop:

Enter your details to watch to access this exclusive training workshop:

Join freelance coach Kevin Rogers from in this training workshop as we map out a simple, step-by-step process on how to build a freelance career from scratch.

In this training you’ll get the clarity you need to avoid getting distracted so you can stop “winging it” and focus on the crucial “right now” problems and move your business forward

You’ll also learn how to:
  • Focus your learning to make consistent, measurable progress
  • ​Fix any gaps in your knowledge that could be keeping you 'stuck' in your current phase
  • Choose the RIGHT tools you need to solve the challenges you're currently facing
  • ​​Pinpoint exactly what you need to do to move in to the next phase on The Freelancer's Journey
  • ​​And more…
Click here to Enter your details to get access!

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